If you spend enough time in a foreign place, things start to seem less foreign. The people on the corner look back at you with a glossed over, pseudo-familiarity. Every door you enter is no longer passed through for the first time, but for the 10th or the 100th time.. Those who were once charicatures, that is fit snuggly into a single phrase (the man with tomatoes or the woman from whom I bought granola) acrue complexity as our interactions diversify and distinguish themselves from the environment, no longer merely a piece the whole but an entity all their own.
Thus this is my last entry. I am about to start classes and I continue searching ardently for work. Both these things require ample time studying and practicing spanish. I can no longer devote so much time to writing in english, at least for a time.
I'm sorry to hear you won't be updating anymore, but I understand. Good luck with studying! And I hope to keep in touch through email. :]